The Well exists to cultivate a culture of changing lives that change the world!
We are for 7th-through 12th-grade students!!! We create awesome environments during our large group services and Life Groups where students find community with friends their own age. Our big win is when a teenager takes a step toward owning their faith!!!
We are for 7th-through 12th-grade students!!! We create awesome environments during our large group services and Life Groups where students find community with friends their own age. Our big win is when a teenager takes a step toward owning their faith!!!
Weekly Rhythms
9:30 am
Before Sunday Morning church, we go deeper in studying God’s word together. We have a time where students can learn and grow in there faith.
10:45 am
At 10:45 am we gather with the whole church for worship and relevant teaching.
6:00 pm
Wednesday Night is the Best Night of the Week. We meet every Wednesday night at 6:00 pm, for worship, teaching, and Middle and High School life groups.
The Well meets in the youth room, located right behind the sanctuary, and Life Groups are in the adult Sunday school wing on the North Side of NorthPark Church campus.
Wednesday Night at NorthPark is the Best Night of the Week
because it’s when we connect with our friends, learn something new, and have lots of fun!
Our environment is designed for students curious about faith and eager to discover how a relationship
with Jesus could change their lives, their schools, and our city. We have a seat saved for you, and we would love
to have you check it out! We don’t believe church should be boring, and we try to prove that each week.
Our time together includes both large group and life groups with worship, practical teaching, and guided group discussion.
Our life groups are led by adults committed to equipping students to develop a faith of their own.
This is how we experience life change, build community, and create the best night of the week.
because it’s when we connect with our friends, learn something new, and have lots of fun!
Our environment is designed for students curious about faith and eager to discover how a relationship
with Jesus could change their lives, their schools, and our city. We have a seat saved for you, and we would love
to have you check it out! We don’t believe church should be boring, and we try to prove that each week.
Our time together includes both large group and life groups with worship, practical teaching, and guided group discussion.
Our life groups are led by adults committed to equipping students to develop a faith of their own.
This is how we experience life change, build community, and create the best night of the week.
Each week during the school year, small groups of 7th- through 12th-grade students meet after Wednesday service.
These groups are environments where students can openly discuss the issues they are facing with other teens in their own
grade and same gender led by adults committed to equipping students to develop a faith of their own. Our goals for these
small groups are to create a place where relationships can be established and deepened and where God’s truth can be proclaimed.
These groups are environments where students can openly discuss the issues they are facing with other teens in their own
grade and same gender led by adults committed to equipping students to develop a faith of their own. Our goals for these
small groups are to create a place where relationships can be established and deepened and where God’s truth can be proclaimed.
AMAZING Life Group Leaders
What should parents and new students know before they walk into The Well? Do you require a signup?
All weekly services and events require students to check-in. New guests are registered upon arrival.
Are there trips or events for Students?
Yes, There are quarterly events as well as trips and retreats throughout the year. Scroll down to the next section to see the upcoming events!
How can I be better informed about what is happening in The Well?
You can sign up for the weekly The Well newsletter! It is full of information about what God is doing in The Well.
We also have a Student & Parent GroupMe that we share all information through.
Click here to sign up: THE WELL COMMUNICATE
We also have a Student & Parent GroupMe that we share all information through.
Click here to sign up: THE WELL COMMUNICATE