The women sit in small groups, eating and chatting as they wait for the days’ speaker. They know their children are well taken care of in MOPS Kids. After brunch, they listen to a guest speaker or watch a video that offers insight, practical tips, or encouragement. They participate in fun activities, games, or a craft to provide some light hearted fun as a break from the usual daily demands of motherhood. In small groups, they grow closer together in deeper discussion so that every mom knows she’s not alone in this crazy life called Motherhood.
Mornings like these are a Godsend to these moms. It gives them a chance to learn about a range of topics, from car seat safety to fitness to organizational strategies and beyond. It also allows them to meet up with other mothers, to form relationships that every women needs, and to find her place in this sisterhood we call MOPS.
Mornings like these are a Godsend to these moms. It gives them a chance to learn about a range of topics, from car seat safety to fitness to organizational strategies and beyond. It also allows them to meet up with other mothers, to form relationships that every women needs, and to find her place in this sisterhood we call MOPS.