COMPositions 33
This past Sunday, June 13th, I concluded a 16 week sermon series titled “MESSY” through the book of 1 Corinthians. Chapter 16 is the Apostle Paul’s final instructions and personal greetings. And he begins his concluding thoughts with the challenge to give regularly, intentionally, and proportionately! The Bible contains many passages on giving and Jesus spoke clearly about the importance of using our finances for kingdom purposes. I believe all these passages and teachings can be summed up in this simple statement,…Our giving is a reflective response to the grace of God in our lives. The more aware we are of God’s grace in our lives,…the more faithful and generous we will be in our giving! There are two aspects to biblical giving that every Christian should know about and practice:
1. Faithful Stewardship which is expressed in tithing.
2. Generous Giving which is expressed in sacrifice.
God never intended for giving to be a mere duty or obligation! He wants it to be a willing choice,…expressing a grateful hear. Research indicates that on average, Christians give 2.5% of their income to the Lord’s work. Now any amount that is given is valuable and important, but can you imagine the impact of an increase of 4 times the amount of money given if every Christian gave at least 10% of their income to the Lord? Tithing is really a standard we need to stretch us and help us step up to consistent joyful giving. Try it! Put God to the test. (Malachi 3:10) He can be trusted! (Matthew 6:33)
As I wrote last week, the Transition Team has completed their assignment and developed a Master Action Plan for the 4 minimal factors identified in our Church Assessment last fall which we believe these initiatives will greatly enhance our church health and effectiveness. In conversations I’ve had with Pastor Jim, he has encouraged us to aggressively pursue First Impressions & Holistic Life Groups during these two months of transition.
Regarding First Impressions, Jody Clark has volunteered to be the Team Leader for the Greeting Team to recruit, train, & schedule volunteers to serve at the main entrances and Information Center. He will be making an appeal on Sunday, June 27th and the target date to launch this vital ministry is August 1st. Contact Jody directly or make a note on a Connection Card to get connected.
Regarding the Holistic Life Groups, Pastor Jim released an informative 5 minute video this past Monday, June 14th which can be viewed on our Facebook page. In addition to promoting participation, he is seeking individuals/couples willing to serve as facilitators and host homes. Over the next two months there will be training opportunities provided so we can launch multiple groups after Labor Day in September. I am so excited about the energy and vision Pastor Jim is bringing to NorthPark Church. It will be an adventure you’ll definitely want to be a part of.
Speaking of excitement and volunteers,…Vacation Bible School (VBS) is right around the corner. The dates are July 19th – July 23rd from 6:00 to 8:30 pm each day and the theme is “TREASURED: Discovering You’re Priceless to God”. Kids who have completed Kindergarten through Grade 6 will embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles as they learn about Jesus. At Treasured VBS, kids dig into exciting action-packed, faith-building adventures. They’ll discover God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold – it’s them! People are priceless!! To volunteer and register your child(ren) go to our website or Facebook page or sign up at the VBS table in the lobby. Nursery and pre-K will be provided for adult workers and NorthPark kids.
Don’t forget the annual LOVE OUT LOUD initiative hosted by the Northcrest Baptist Church during the same week, July 18-23 from 8:00 am to 2-3:00 pm. For more information and to register go to And don't miss the community worship services at the Temple Theater at 7:00 PM on Sunday, July 18th, Wednesday, July 21st, and Friday, July 23rd which is for the entire community, even if you are not able to participate in any of the daily work projects.
MISCELLANEOUS UPDATES & OPPORTUNITIES: If you are interested in playing co-ed softball contact Shelby Crouch or indicate that on a Connection Card. We need more women! We are looking to put together several teams to rotate mowing and trimming the church property this summer. If you available, please contact Pastor Dan or note that on a Connection Card. For the months of June and July we will be operating on our “summer schedule”. To stay informed please pick up a Children’s calendar at the Check-in desk, read the weekly bulletin & newsletter and monitor the appropriate NorthPark website & Facebook pages.
As you can see, there is a lot happening around here and God continues to bless in many ways. Thank you for your prayers, support, and participation.
For His Glory, Pastor Greg
1. Faithful Stewardship which is expressed in tithing.
2. Generous Giving which is expressed in sacrifice.
God never intended for giving to be a mere duty or obligation! He wants it to be a willing choice,…expressing a grateful hear. Research indicates that on average, Christians give 2.5% of their income to the Lord’s work. Now any amount that is given is valuable and important, but can you imagine the impact of an increase of 4 times the amount of money given if every Christian gave at least 10% of their income to the Lord? Tithing is really a standard we need to stretch us and help us step up to consistent joyful giving. Try it! Put God to the test. (Malachi 3:10) He can be trusted! (Matthew 6:33)
As I wrote last week, the Transition Team has completed their assignment and developed a Master Action Plan for the 4 minimal factors identified in our Church Assessment last fall which we believe these initiatives will greatly enhance our church health and effectiveness. In conversations I’ve had with Pastor Jim, he has encouraged us to aggressively pursue First Impressions & Holistic Life Groups during these two months of transition.
Regarding First Impressions, Jody Clark has volunteered to be the Team Leader for the Greeting Team to recruit, train, & schedule volunteers to serve at the main entrances and Information Center. He will be making an appeal on Sunday, June 27th and the target date to launch this vital ministry is August 1st. Contact Jody directly or make a note on a Connection Card to get connected.
Regarding the Holistic Life Groups, Pastor Jim released an informative 5 minute video this past Monday, June 14th which can be viewed on our Facebook page. In addition to promoting participation, he is seeking individuals/couples willing to serve as facilitators and host homes. Over the next two months there will be training opportunities provided so we can launch multiple groups after Labor Day in September. I am so excited about the energy and vision Pastor Jim is bringing to NorthPark Church. It will be an adventure you’ll definitely want to be a part of.
Speaking of excitement and volunteers,…Vacation Bible School (VBS) is right around the corner. The dates are July 19th – July 23rd from 6:00 to 8:30 pm each day and the theme is “TREASURED: Discovering You’re Priceless to God”. Kids who have completed Kindergarten through Grade 6 will embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles as they learn about Jesus. At Treasured VBS, kids dig into exciting action-packed, faith-building adventures. They’ll discover God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold – it’s them! People are priceless!! To volunteer and register your child(ren) go to our website or Facebook page or sign up at the VBS table in the lobby. Nursery and pre-K will be provided for adult workers and NorthPark kids.
Don’t forget the annual LOVE OUT LOUD initiative hosted by the Northcrest Baptist Church during the same week, July 18-23 from 8:00 am to 2-3:00 pm. For more information and to register go to And don't miss the community worship services at the Temple Theater at 7:00 PM on Sunday, July 18th, Wednesday, July 21st, and Friday, July 23rd which is for the entire community, even if you are not able to participate in any of the daily work projects.
MISCELLANEOUS UPDATES & OPPORTUNITIES: If you are interested in playing co-ed softball contact Shelby Crouch or indicate that on a Connection Card. We need more women! We are looking to put together several teams to rotate mowing and trimming the church property this summer. If you available, please contact Pastor Dan or note that on a Connection Card. For the months of June and July we will be operating on our “summer schedule”. To stay informed please pick up a Children’s calendar at the Check-in desk, read the weekly bulletin & newsletter and monitor the appropriate NorthPark website & Facebook pages.
As you can see, there is a lot happening around here and God continues to bless in many ways. Thank you for your prayers, support, and participation.
For His Glory, Pastor Greg
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