COMPosition 11
Each year the President of the United States delivers a STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS highlighting the accomplishments of the previous year and casting a vision for the new year. In several of the Epistles the Apostle Paul writes a “state of the church” letter as he commends their strengths and corrects their problems,…creating a clear and unified vision for their future. This past Sunday, January 10th I delivered a State of the Church Address for NorthPark, highlighting some of the blessing of God from 2020 and identifying some of the exciting challenges for 2021. If you were not able to attend or watch online, you can view it here anytime
I concluded that message with these words: “You know better than I, that NorthPark has a great past. You have a rich heritage and an amazing legacy. But what I know that many of you don’t see, is that you have a promising future. Your future is bright because your past was solid. We wouldn’t be here and able to go where we’re going if it wasn’t for those faithful servants who gave so much for so long. But now it is our turn and we have to step up,…we have to lean in. We have to continue the legacy we received and pass it on to future generations. I believe with all my heart that God will continue to bless, direct, and provide as NorthPark keeps a clear vision, maintains our common values and offer ourselves as living sacrifices.”
One of the texts I received Sunday afternoon, from a longtime member and former leader at NorthPark, said it best: “Glad to know that after 2020 the church is still in a good position.” Indeed, God has blessed your faithfulness and generosity during these months of quarantine and uncertainty. I am excited to see who God brings and where He leads NorthPark in 2021!
ZOOM WITH THE PASTOR: In an attempt to better connect with those who are unable to gather with us in person, I will be hosting a Zoom call every Wednesday from 12 Noon to 1:00 pm starting January 20th. You can jump on this live video call at for a few minutes just to check in, touch base, & pray; or you can stay on the entire hour to interact with other people.
WEDNESDAY ELECTIVES: Starting Wednesday, January 20th, we will be resuming our midweek Children’s Ministry and adult electives from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The children will need to be checked in and then go to their age appropriate class:
• Nursery: 0 – 2 yrs. with a rotation of teachers
• Preschool Clubhouse: 3 yrs. – PreK / Teachers: Nikki & Eric Henderson and Hannah Culpepper
• 252 Groups: Kinder – 2nd Grade / Teachers: Brandi Bland and Kelly Ishee
3rd – 4th Grade / Teachers: Stephanie Anthony and Keith Farmer
• Transit: 5th – 6th Grade – Teachers: Amy Youngblood, Robin & Tyler Pompelia
We will be offering three (3) electives for the adults
• Women’s Study lead by Jillian West in room 207
• Men’s Study lead by Greg Comp & Mark Thomas in room 208
• CoEd Study on Romans lead by Tyler Hughes in room 205
To help us make the necessary preparation we ask that you register for the elective of your choice online at or text the group leader.
SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE SUNDAY: This Sunday, January 17th is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. In 1984, then President Ronald Reagan designated the third Sunday of January to be an annual day of remembrance of the infamous Supreme Court Decision known as “Roe v. Wade” on January 22, 1973 which ruled in favor of the constitutionality of the right to an abortion. Since then, many Americans have observed SOHLS as a day to grieve the loss of millions of babies, advocate for the intrinsic value of all human life, and promote the work of local pregnancy help centers in providing life affirming support and resources; empowering confused parents to make informed choices about their unborn children. My sermon title is “WHY AM I PRO-LIFE?” which is a question I have been asked many times and which every Christian needs to be prepared to answer. Your prayers and presence are requested and appreciated!
ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: Our Annual Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 17th at 6:30 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to ratify by ballot the proposed church budget for 2021, affirm the appointment of Governance Board members to a three (3) year term, and address any other business brought by the Governance Board. Congregational voting privileges shall be extended to a person who has made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, considers NorthPark their church home, worshipped regularly here for not less than the preceding six (6) months, is 18 years of age or older, supports NorthPark through Christian service and financial giving, and supports the mission, goals & leadership of NorthPark Church Absentee Ballots will be available on Wednesday, February 10th and may be picked up in the church office. Absentee ballots must be turned in prior to the meeting. Please mark your calendar and plan to take part in this important meeting.
For His Glory, Pastor Greg
I concluded that message with these words: “You know better than I, that NorthPark has a great past. You have a rich heritage and an amazing legacy. But what I know that many of you don’t see, is that you have a promising future. Your future is bright because your past was solid. We wouldn’t be here and able to go where we’re going if it wasn’t for those faithful servants who gave so much for so long. But now it is our turn and we have to step up,…we have to lean in. We have to continue the legacy we received and pass it on to future generations. I believe with all my heart that God will continue to bless, direct, and provide as NorthPark keeps a clear vision, maintains our common values and offer ourselves as living sacrifices.”
One of the texts I received Sunday afternoon, from a longtime member and former leader at NorthPark, said it best: “Glad to know that after 2020 the church is still in a good position.” Indeed, God has blessed your faithfulness and generosity during these months of quarantine and uncertainty. I am excited to see who God brings and where He leads NorthPark in 2021!
ZOOM WITH THE PASTOR: In an attempt to better connect with those who are unable to gather with us in person, I will be hosting a Zoom call every Wednesday from 12 Noon to 1:00 pm starting January 20th. You can jump on this live video call at for a few minutes just to check in, touch base, & pray; or you can stay on the entire hour to interact with other people.
WEDNESDAY ELECTIVES: Starting Wednesday, January 20th, we will be resuming our midweek Children’s Ministry and adult electives from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The children will need to be checked in and then go to their age appropriate class:
• Nursery: 0 – 2 yrs. with a rotation of teachers
• Preschool Clubhouse: 3 yrs. – PreK / Teachers: Nikki & Eric Henderson and Hannah Culpepper
• 252 Groups: Kinder – 2nd Grade / Teachers: Brandi Bland and Kelly Ishee
3rd – 4th Grade / Teachers: Stephanie Anthony and Keith Farmer
• Transit: 5th – 6th Grade – Teachers: Amy Youngblood, Robin & Tyler Pompelia
We will be offering three (3) electives for the adults
• Women’s Study lead by Jillian West in room 207
• Men’s Study lead by Greg Comp & Mark Thomas in room 208
• CoEd Study on Romans lead by Tyler Hughes in room 205
To help us make the necessary preparation we ask that you register for the elective of your choice online at or text the group leader.
SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE SUNDAY: This Sunday, January 17th is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. In 1984, then President Ronald Reagan designated the third Sunday of January to be an annual day of remembrance of the infamous Supreme Court Decision known as “Roe v. Wade” on January 22, 1973 which ruled in favor of the constitutionality of the right to an abortion. Since then, many Americans have observed SOHLS as a day to grieve the loss of millions of babies, advocate for the intrinsic value of all human life, and promote the work of local pregnancy help centers in providing life affirming support and resources; empowering confused parents to make informed choices about their unborn children. My sermon title is “WHY AM I PRO-LIFE?” which is a question I have been asked many times and which every Christian needs to be prepared to answer. Your prayers and presence are requested and appreciated!
ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: Our Annual Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 17th at 6:30 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to ratify by ballot the proposed church budget for 2021, affirm the appointment of Governance Board members to a three (3) year term, and address any other business brought by the Governance Board. Congregational voting privileges shall be extended to a person who has made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, considers NorthPark their church home, worshipped regularly here for not less than the preceding six (6) months, is 18 years of age or older, supports NorthPark through Christian service and financial giving, and supports the mission, goals & leadership of NorthPark Church Absentee Ballots will be available on Wednesday, February 10th and may be picked up in the church office. Absentee ballots must be turned in prior to the meeting. Please mark your calendar and plan to take part in this important meeting.
For His Glory, Pastor Greg
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