COMPositions 10
I want to express my sincere thanks for your participation, online or in person, in the Commissioning Service this past Sunday, January 3rd. I was greatly blessed and encouraged by that shared experience! Truly God is about to do something new at NorthPark. (Isaiah 43:19) If you were not able to join us or would like to review the service, just click on the “Messages” tab on our church website at
There seems to be a sense of excitement and anticipation growing among our church family as we cross over from the wanderings of 2020 and an Interim Pastor, to the promises of 2021 and a new Lead Pastor. May God continue to reveal His plan and provide for His church as we purify ourselves and trust & follow Him. (Joshua 3:1-5)
It is important for us to be mindful of and prayerful for our current leadership teams who are seeking the Lord’s leading and serving in this season of transition. Here are the four teams with their purpose and members for you to pray over and encourage.
GOVERNANCE BOARD: The role of the Governance Board is to hold the Lead Pastor accountable for accomplishing the Church’s mission, maintaining proper conduct, and to be thinking partners with the Lead Pastor.
• The current Governance Board members are: Rob McArthur, Chair / Kelly Menard, Vice Chair /
Terrie Carlisle, Secretary / Lillie Cooks / Dwayne Joyner / Marilyn Cole / Ron Reid
PRAYER TEAM: The purpose of this Prayer Team is to undergird this season of reflection, transition, and growth by praying for clear direction, specific challenges, and unified advancement.
• The current Prayer Team members are: Dwight Watts / Mary Bond / Dewayne McCallister / Tina
Cumberland / Lillie Cooks / Donna Wheatley / Kathy Comp / Charles Stewart / Brad Anthony / Tyler
Hughes / Virgil Cole / Gerri Lynn Croley
TRANSITION TEAM: The mission of the Transition Team is to create a workable action plan to address the 4 minimum factors identified in the Assessment Report we received from New Church Specialties on November 11th.
• The Transition Team members are: Kelly Menard / Justin Keene / Kay Stewart / C. D. Smith / Nedra
Bradley / Virgil Cole / Linda Weir / Adam Vance / Dwayne Joyner
SEARCH TEAM: The commission of the Search Team is to evaluate resumes, contact references, interview applicants, and recommend a candidate to be the next Lead Pastor at NorthPark.
• The Search Team members are: Kay Stewart / Tyler Hughes / Donna Wheatley / Todd Mathis / Dwight
Watts / Brad Anthony / Jonathan Sisson
You may notice that several individuals are serving on multiple teams. There are three reasons for that: 1.) The Search Team and Transition Team are required to have specific groups represented in their mix. (Governance Board / Staff / Age Groups) 2.) The Governance Board is appointed by the Board and ratified by the congregation at the Annual Business Meeting each February. 3.) I formed the Prayer Team based on some personal interactions, observations, and recommendations shortly after my arrival in September. This team is definitely an open group and if you would like to join in, please contact me at 270/261-2361 or [email protected]
Here are some specific prayer points for our use as we pray for these teams:
• Appreciation for their faith and willingness to serve.
• For spiritual discernment as they seek the Lord’s will and direction.
• For clarity as they discuss important issues and unity as they make important decisions.
• For congregational encouragement and support as they make and announce plans.
• That God would continue to bless and be glorify by the ministry of NorthPark Church.
Back to our text in Joshua, where we see the nation of Israel crossing the Jordan River on dry ground (Joshua 3:17) and taking possession of the land God had sworn to their ancestors (Joshua 21:43-45). Brothers and sisters, if the God we serve is able to do such amazing things for his people,…should we not purify ourselves and trust & follow Him? As Oswald Chambers, an early 20th century holiness preacher best known for his daily devotional MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, once wrote: “Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”
Let’s press into this moment of uncertainty and season of transition, knowing that God is in control and working all things for our good!
For His Glory, Greg
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