COMPosition 12
This past Sunday, January 17th, my sermon title was “WHY AM I PRO-LIFE?” The Bible clearly and consistently upholds the sanctity of ALL human life and Christians must not concede or compromise this fundamental truth. The core problem of the world is not abortion, euthanasia, racism, hate, murder, terrorism, or war,…as serious as all those things are. The core problem is the human heart in rebellion against God. And there is only one cure! A total surrender to Jesus Christ as Savior & Lord and a submissive spirit to his revealed Word. God’s plan is clear, His Word is true, and ALL human life is sacred. If you were not able to attend or watch online, you can view or share it with a friend anytime at
SERMON SERIES: This Sunday, January 24th, I will start a new 8 week sermon series on the book of 1 Corinthians titled MESSY. Corinth was one of the largest and most important cities of Greece. It was strategically located, economically prosperous, and morally corrupt. The Apostle Paul planted a church in this affluent and pagan city on his 2nd missionary trip. He left the church in the capable hands of a young and eloquent speaker named Apollos, but problems began almost immediately. The church was experiencing some serious issues and wrestling with some important questions which Paul addressed head on. Issues and questions which still plague and too often divide churches yet today.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Several have asked about our plans to resume the in-person Sunday School hour. Due to the smaller classrooms and the need for social distancing we, the Governance Board and I, do not think it is prudent to resume in-person at this time. We think it wise to wait for a drop in the number of cases and allow time for the vaccine to be more widely administered. We are hopeful this will occur by mid to late April and will definitely keep you updated. In the meantime, there are several options and resources available for you to access. We currently have two classes meeting online every Sunday morning from 9:00-10:00 am, which allows most people time to join us for our in-person worship at 10:45 am. One is taught by Dwight Watts and the other is taught by Donna Wheatly. NorthPark also has a subscription to RightNow Media for you to log into and create an account which will give you access to thousands of videos. Think of it as Netflix for the church. There are educational and entertainment videos for children, youth, adults, couples, & families,…and it’s all at no cost to you! Check it out at and contact the church office to receive an email invitation.
NOMINATIONS: The Governance Board is now receiving nominations from the church family to serve a three year term on the Board in place of Dwayne Joyner and Marilyn Cole whose terms expire this year. Nominees need to be mailed, emailed, or texted to the church office by Sunday, January 31. According to our bylaws, nominees must have made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, worshipped regularly with this us for not less than the preceding six (6) months, be 18 years of age or older, support NorthPark through Christian Service & financial giving, and consider this his or her Church home; supporting the mission, goals and leadership of NorthPark Church. A member of the Governance Board must not be an employee of the Church and cannot be an immediate family member (spouse, sibling, son or daughter, parent or in-law) of another Governance Board member. Your prayerful consideration and participation are sincerely appreciated.
PHYGITAL: If there’s one lesson we need to learn from this COVID season, it is that to be effective in going, making disciples, baptizing, and teaching, we need to be phygital. The church needs to utilize the strengths of physical church and the strengths of digital church. We have to find ways to get these two models of church to work together. The Staff and Governance Board are committed to finding ways to merge these two realities and creating a hybrid to reach every generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome your creative ideas and need your skillful assistance. Let us know if you have suggestions, skills, or availability.
FYI: The first Zoom With The Pastor was a great experience. Two people jumped on and we enjoyed some lively conversation. If you would like to join in or “stop by” I will be hosting this Zoom call every Wednesday from 12 Noon to 1:00 pm at Our first full Wednesday night programming got off to a great start. There was a sense of excitement and energy that was refreshing to my soul! Amy had 35 people participating in the children’s ministry, Justin had 28 people involved in the student ministry, and there were 19 adults attending the three electives; for a total of 82 people. To register for one of the adult electives, visit
As you can see, many exciting things are happening at NorthPark. We praise God for His continued faithfulness and thank you for continued partnership! Please keep these activities and teams in your prayers.
For His Glory, Greg
SERMON SERIES: This Sunday, January 24th, I will start a new 8 week sermon series on the book of 1 Corinthians titled MESSY. Corinth was one of the largest and most important cities of Greece. It was strategically located, economically prosperous, and morally corrupt. The Apostle Paul planted a church in this affluent and pagan city on his 2nd missionary trip. He left the church in the capable hands of a young and eloquent speaker named Apollos, but problems began almost immediately. The church was experiencing some serious issues and wrestling with some important questions which Paul addressed head on. Issues and questions which still plague and too often divide churches yet today.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Several have asked about our plans to resume the in-person Sunday School hour. Due to the smaller classrooms and the need for social distancing we, the Governance Board and I, do not think it is prudent to resume in-person at this time. We think it wise to wait for a drop in the number of cases and allow time for the vaccine to be more widely administered. We are hopeful this will occur by mid to late April and will definitely keep you updated. In the meantime, there are several options and resources available for you to access. We currently have two classes meeting online every Sunday morning from 9:00-10:00 am, which allows most people time to join us for our in-person worship at 10:45 am. One is taught by Dwight Watts and the other is taught by Donna Wheatly. NorthPark also has a subscription to RightNow Media for you to log into and create an account which will give you access to thousands of videos. Think of it as Netflix for the church. There are educational and entertainment videos for children, youth, adults, couples, & families,…and it’s all at no cost to you! Check it out at and contact the church office to receive an email invitation.
NOMINATIONS: The Governance Board is now receiving nominations from the church family to serve a three year term on the Board in place of Dwayne Joyner and Marilyn Cole whose terms expire this year. Nominees need to be mailed, emailed, or texted to the church office by Sunday, January 31. According to our bylaws, nominees must have made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, worshipped regularly with this us for not less than the preceding six (6) months, be 18 years of age or older, support NorthPark through Christian Service & financial giving, and consider this his or her Church home; supporting the mission, goals and leadership of NorthPark Church. A member of the Governance Board must not be an employee of the Church and cannot be an immediate family member (spouse, sibling, son or daughter, parent or in-law) of another Governance Board member. Your prayerful consideration and participation are sincerely appreciated.
PHYGITAL: If there’s one lesson we need to learn from this COVID season, it is that to be effective in going, making disciples, baptizing, and teaching, we need to be phygital. The church needs to utilize the strengths of physical church and the strengths of digital church. We have to find ways to get these two models of church to work together. The Staff and Governance Board are committed to finding ways to merge these two realities and creating a hybrid to reach every generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome your creative ideas and need your skillful assistance. Let us know if you have suggestions, skills, or availability.
FYI: The first Zoom With The Pastor was a great experience. Two people jumped on and we enjoyed some lively conversation. If you would like to join in or “stop by” I will be hosting this Zoom call every Wednesday from 12 Noon to 1:00 pm at Our first full Wednesday night programming got off to a great start. There was a sense of excitement and energy that was refreshing to my soul! Amy had 35 people participating in the children’s ministry, Justin had 28 people involved in the student ministry, and there were 19 adults attending the three electives; for a total of 82 people. To register for one of the adult electives, visit
As you can see, many exciting things are happening at NorthPark. We praise God for His continued faithfulness and thank you for continued partnership! Please keep these activities and teams in your prayers.
For His Glory, Greg
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